Description of the technological object
The technological control object is the grinding control system. The grinding control automation system includes the following subsystems:
– consumption control;
– control of the input pressure to the mills;
– concentration management;
– control of flushing valves;
– management of “force”;
– mill additive control.
The main task is to control the process control system as a single system, taking into account the necessary algorithms (operating mode, washing mode).
Technical solution
The system is constructed in such a way that the subsystems operate in the following modes:
– local: control is carried out manually, using local control panels;
– remote-manual: control is carried out manually, using the “SCADA” system console;
– remote-automatic control is carried out by the controller according to a given algorithm, it includes washing before and after grinding, switching on and off power devices, preliminary (starting) installation of adjustable valves, monitoring of critical values, etc.
A Siemens / Mitsubishi programmable logic controller is used as the basic element of the process control system. Visualization is performed on SCADA system WinCC / Citect. Cable products from LappKabel.
Unit standardization and structural design based on Siemens / Mitsubishi industrial controllers will allow the system to be serviced by trained personnel. The system has an open architecture and can be easily upgraded to carry out the next stages of work on the modernization of the process control system. Further build-up of the system will create a unified control system for the entire paper machine with a unified control structure.
Results and effect of implementation
The grinding control system will allow in automatic mode to minimize the costs of maintenance personnel, improve the quality of understood, protect equipment from premature wear or failure after an accident. The payback period for the implementation of the system, depending on the configuration, will be from 6 to 12 months.