The device for testing paper for punching “SP-35TM” is designed to determine the value of punching through paper and fibrous semi-finished products in accordance with GOST 13525.8-86. The principle of operation of the device is based on the creation of a smooth increasing overpressure in a chamber filled with glycerin formed by an elastic membrane until the moment at which the sample is clamped is destroyed.

СП-36 SP-36


Measuring characteristics of the device:
– Range of pressure measurement in the hydraulic system of the device, kPa: from 10 to 1600
– Weight, kg, no more: 32
– Limits of permissible absolute error of pressure measurement, P: ± (0.05 + 0.01P)
– Average volumetric discharge rate of the working fluid, cm3 / min: 95 ± 5
– Sample clamping force, N, not less than 2700

Order code: TL-PM011.00-00