Photometer “Kolir” is designed to measure the spectral coefficients of diffuse reflection in laboratory conditions and calculate the whiteness, transparency, opacity and color characteristics of reflective materials according to different standards and measurement systems on their basis.
This device is equipped with a color wheelbarrow. the display, on which the main control buttons are located, allows you to receive detailed information on the measurements taken.

Measurement conditions – illumination/observation d/0, measurement aperture (diameter) – 30 mm.
Illumination source – white LED, ultraviolet LED.
The photodetector is a spectrometer with a diffraction grating and a 256 element CMOS receiver. The spectral measurement interval is 400 – 740 nm with a resolution of 10 nm. Results in tabular and graphical forms.
Standard colorimetric observers CIE 2º/10º (DSTU ISO/CIE 10527).
Standard light sources, the radiation of which corresponds to A, C, D65 (DSTU ISO / CIE 10526).
Whiteness of materials according to DSTU, GOST (DSTU ISO 2470).
Whiteness of materials according to CIE (DSTU ISO 11475/11476).
Whiteness of materials according to GOST 22567.11 and determination of the bleaching ability of synthetic detergents.
Transparency/opacity of materials according to GOST (GOST 8874), opacity according to ISO (DSTU ISO 2471).
Color spaces: CIE XYZ, Yxy, CIE LAB, CIE LUV, CIE LCH.
Calculation of color differences: ΔEuv, ΔE1976, ΔE1994, ΔE2000, ΔE cmc , ΔE cmc(2:1) , ΔE cmc(1:1).
Yellowness according to ASTM E313, ASTM D1925.
Limits of permissible absolute error in measuring the whiteness of materials without optical brighteners – no more than ± 0.5%, with optical brighteners – no more than ± 1.0%. The software allows you to correct the given error values, if necessary, during operation or calibration.
The limits of the permissible absolute error in measuring the color coordinates are no more than ± 0.01.
Repeatability for E ab ≤0.03.
Color touch TFT display 7 inches.
Measurement mode – one-time and with averaging, storing the results and the ability to view them.
Communication with a personal computer – via the Ethernet interface. The software allows full control of the photometer from a PC via the built-in Ethernet port.
White and black calibration samples, protective cover.
White dirt-repellent and stable calibration standard, protective cover.
Language – Ukrainian, English, Russian.
Power consumption – no more than 50 VA.
Overall dimensions – no more than 190 x 420 x 350 mm.
Weight – no more than 15 kg.
Power supply – from the alternating current network with a voltage of 220 V, a frequency of (50 ± 0.5) Hz.
The degree of protection of the photometer housing is IP10 according to GOST 14254.